Presentation Skills

speakerPublic Speaking can be overwhelming, but essential for almost everyone in business.

At Media Potential, we help our clients overcome their fears to create a memorable and engaging public performance. Our workshops are interactive and custom designed for any aspiring speaker, regardless of experience.

Most importantly our presenting workshops give you the confidence and skills required to deliver effective, clear and concise messages to your team and stakeholders.

Media Potential’s Presentation Training workshops focus on the following areas:

  • Vocal technique
  • Eye contact
  • Body language and image
  • Non-verbal communication
  • How to overcome nerves
  • Preparing an engaging presentation
  • Research and planning
  • Content and structure
  • Understanding audience types
  • Language style
  • Editing
  • Delivering key messages
  • Simplifying complex messages
  • Using presenting tools
  • Audience engagement
  • Q & A’s – how to deal with tricky questions and control a discussion.

Our sessions also incorporate footage playback so participants can be fully aware of their presenting strengths and weaknesses. A digital  copy of all performance is also supplied.

Read more about our voice coaching and image management services.