Image Management

Corporate stylist Renee LeeNever before has the media influenced the perception of public figures the way it does now. We usually make judgements about a person according to the way he or she dresses and behaves long before they have expressed an opinion. Media Potential’s Styling Workshop will help you create a positive and powerful first impression.

Our consultants are well respected corporate stylists with many years of experience advising women and men of all ages, shapes and sizes. The workshop explores your style and image and gives you the confidence to make appropriate choices without sacrificing your individuality or corporate identity.

Media Potential’s styling workshop is supportive and sensitive, as our stylists explain what works for each person and why.

We offer a two hour or half day workshop covering the following:

  • Wardrobe basics
  • Personal Style versus Professional Style
  • Dressing for your corporate culture
  • Make-up
  • Hair Styling
  • How to ‘Style Yourself’ and where you can go for support from retailers
  • Age appropriate dressing
  • What are the ‘No-No’s’
  • Do you dress for yourself or your audience?

The workshops cater for small groups of up to 8 people in the 2 hour session, and 16 people in the half day session. We also offer specialised one on one workshops on request.